Pet Rescue (NGO Project)


The International Day of Stray Animals is celebrated on April 4th, and the national statistics on the matter are pretty worrying. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (INEGI), Mexico has the highest rate of stray dogs in Latin America. According to the numbers, 70 percent of Mexico's 18 million canines, including abandoned dogs by their owners and those born on the streets, are in these conditions. According to the most recent estimates from the Mexico City health department, there are nearly 1.2 million stray dogs wandering the streets in Mexico City alone. The months with more animal abandonment, in words of a young veterinarian, José Carlos Hernández, are February, March, April, and May. This, owing to many of the animals are usually Christmas or New Year gifts and people cannot provide the care and attention they require or simply lose the interest or get bored of it, so they decide to leave them in the streets. However, people must be concerned on why they should adopt rather than buying a pet and, more importantly, how to be safe while taking a dog home.

Due to all this data, we consider completely necessary the creation of a NGO with the purpose of looking for the most efficient solutions to this problematic, that in the end we will have eradicated it.

This is how we think the NGO may be:

Pet Rescue

The beginning of our plan surged when going out to street, it does not matter the place you are, all locations have something in common and it is the presence of stray animals. Making conscience about this situation, we thought that it would be time for doing something about it, and in this moment an incredible intention came to our minds. Our idea is to create a NGO called "Pet Rescue", in which we would rescue as many animals as we could. On the economic topic, our organization, will be capitalized by donations, civil voluntaries and sponsors. The goal is to give every animal the necessary treatment in order to be in the best conditions, we will do them the sterilization process and give ourselves to the task of looking for a responsible family for the adoption.

What we would like to have access to is a big space so that we can rescue a great number of animals at the same time, good quality and enough tools for the rescues and medical procedures in order to avoid any possible damage or harm for people and animals, an association with an animal food company, this will let us to get a huge and constant quantity of croquettes.

The staff we are considering to have is undoubtedly veterinaries and volunteers who can attend the help calls, clean the place, assist the specialists and any activity can be required.

Pet Rescue Logo

If you want to know more about us and how to become a volunteer, get contact with us on:
56 1208 4264 or 55 8932 5677

Luis Antonio Carrillo Aguilar 2L 171424
Ricardo Osmar Sánchez Medina 2L 171123


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