
Communication Project Luis Antonio Carrillo Aguilar 6G 171424

Blog design: Customization - This blog will be mostly colourful, with the exception of some images with neutral tones. However, the font will be totally black for titles, subtitles and the body. Images - Pictures will be taken from the internet, half of them being drawings or animated pictures, whereas the rest photographies . This, with the aim to make easier to understand the information, even for a child. The goal is to do it as striking as possible.  Content - The topic is bioethics and global warming and there will be several sections, such as history, definition, principles, legality in Mexico and Overseas, among others. It is worth to mention that examples will be given to put the reader into some context about each situation explained before.   Sources - Sites of the government, organizations and universities will be consulted to make the investigation, as well as some YouTube videos.  Why this blog is important for me? In recent years, regarding to bioethics, things like eutha

Pet Rescue (NGO Project)

 STRAY ANIMALS The International Day of Stray Animals is celebrated on April 4th, and the national statistics on the matter are pretty worrying. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (INEGI), Mexico has the highest rate of stray dogs in Latin America. According to the numbers, 70 percent of Mexico's 18 million canines, including abandoned dogs by their owners and those born on the streets, are in these conditions. According to the most recent estimates from the Mexico City health department, there are nearly 1.2 million stray dogs wandering the streets in Mexico City alone. The months with more animal abandonment, in words of a young veterinarian, José Carlos Hernández, are February, March, April, and May. This, owing to many of the animals are usually Christmas or New Year gifts and people cannot provide the care and attention they require or simply lose the interest or get bored of it, so they decide to leave them in the streets. However, peopl

Ethics in Different Aspects

  By Luis Antonio Carrillo Aguilar & Brenda Guillaumin Álvarez 2L Bioethics History It is commonly said that bioethics origins are placed in the year of 500 B.C. with the Hippocratic Oath. However, we can also consider the Hammurabi's Code from 1750 B.C. as the real begin of bioethics owing to all the information it contains about medical practice.  Both were created in order to solve and have an answer to certain moral questions, these two are focused in doing the best for medicine and people.  Hippocrates was the first one to separate medicine from religion, witchcraft, philosophy, magic, among others, this with the aim of doing from medicine a completely independent and self-sufficient discipline. Being as well the one who confront against the ideas which established that illnesses were provoked by celestial beings and demons. The oath makes new residents to swear, in few words, to act in an ethic and proper way, help patients invariably  and always be conscious and take int